There are numerous benefits to the overall health and psychological wellness of patients who go through rhinoplasty. Physical trauma to the face or abnormalities caused by genetic factors have adverse effects on the capacity to breathe and self-image of many. A plastic surgeon can help improve the quality of life of anyone suffering from these issues by performing a rhinoplasty.
What is cosmetic rhinoplasty?
Also known as a nose job, rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure performed by a plastic surgeon to change the shape and size of the nose. It is one of the most common facial plastic surgery procedures, pursued daily by thousands of people due to its physical and emotional medical benefits.
A rhinoplasty performed mainly to improve symmetry and overall appearance is commonly referred to as a cosmetic rhinoplasty, in contrast to functional rhinoplasties, which focus more on alleviating physical ailments. Aesthetic reasons that may lead a patient to undergo treatment include:
- An overgrown, protruding nasal pyramid
- An abnormally shaped nasal point
- An excessively eminent lump
- Nasal wings that are too large or too small
- Correction of a deviated nasal bone
- Straightening a crooked nose
- Altering the general shape and size of the nose
What should I know about this surgery?
The ideal age range for rhinoplasty surgery
There is no exact age for someone to be ready to get a rhinoplasty. Nonetheless, it is important to consider that if the patient is too young their body may still be undergoing facial growth. Performing a nose job on someone who hasn’t reached physical maturity could hinder any alterations made during the procedure and cause further health concerns.
Cost of rhinoplasty surgery
Many details must come into consideration when calculating how much a nose job is worth. Rhinoplasty cost is not necessarily a fixed rate, as it can range from around $5000 to over $10000 depending on surgical facility costs, anesthesia fees, prescription medication, surgeon’s fee, and other such factors.
Sometimes extra steps are to be taken to perform a successful rhinoplasty. Cartilage drafts from an ear or rib, for example, may be needed. This may incur additional costs. Rhinoplasty may be covered by health insurance, depending on your insurance provider’s policy and if the procedure is being performed due to cosmetic or reconstructive reasons.
Remember the importance of feeling comfortable with your plastic surgeon’s experience and level of expertise when considering the price of facial plastic surgery. Contact us for more information on the price of a rhinoplasty.
Types of nose surgery
It may be tempting to take a photograph of a celebrity’s face and ask a plastic surgeon to make your nose more like the one in the picture. It is very important to know that not all noses accommodate all faces equally, and a good plastic surgeon will know which nose shape is best for you.
Looking at rhinoplasty before and after pictures will show you that the best results are those where the patient’s facial features were properly taken into account. Depending on anatomy, desired outcome, and the circumstances which led to the procedure to be performed, different kinds of surgery can be performed:
- Reduction rhinoplasty: By removing bone and cartilage a surgeon can sculpt a nose to reduce its size and/or correct specific areas.
- Augmentation rhinoplasty: If a nose is too small or the patient is having difficulty breathing due to genetics or injury the nose can be augmented. By using drafted cartilage from areas like the ear or synthetic nasal implants, a doctor can increase the proportions of the nose.
- Post-traumatic rhinoplasty: Damage to the nose caused by an injury or an accident can be repaired to return the nose to its original condition. A patient can also consider changing the previous appearance of the nose to a more aesthetically pleasing one.
- Corrective rhinoplasty: Reshaping a nose to improve breathing or to change its shape is a very hard procedure to undertake, and if done incorrectly, the patient may need to undergo a secondary rhinoplasty operation to revert harm caused by the first one.
The healing process
The first side effects of rhinoplasty may show themselves in the form of bruises under the eyes and feelings of discomfort around the nose. This is the body’s natural response after the operation. A small cast will be placed over the nose bridge before the patient is dismissed. This cast, and any sutures which may have been needed to finish the procedure, will be removed after a week’s time.
Depending on the complexity of the procedure and the body’s natural immune response, the healing process can take up to six weeks. However, some areas of the nose, such as the tip, may remain vulnerable for longer. It is recommended for the patient to rest for seven to ten days after the operation to avoid any environmental risks.
There are some steps a person should take in order to avoid harm to their nose during recovery. These include (but are not limited to):
- Avoiding jogging and other aerobic exercises
- Avoid foods that may cause constipation, as strain caused by constipation may put pressure on the operated area
- Avoid taking showers and submerging your face in water. Taking baths while wearing the cast will keep water from touching the face
- Be careful not to touch the nose when changing clothes
- Sleep facing upwards
- Avoid laughing too hard or making other facial expressions that pull on facial muscles
- Do not use glasses that rest on your nose for at least a month after surgery.
- Avoid blowing your nose
Risks and side effects of rhinoplasty
Bleeding and swelling are common risks of any surgery, which, of course, includes surgical procedures like rhinoplasty. Furthermore, there is the possibility of infection for patients, should they neglect to take appropriate care of the operated area. There are two different kinds of anesthesia used during the operation, general and local. It is important for the patient to know what type of anesthesia will be used during the procedure, since it may have adverse effects on their body.
How long will rhinoplasty results last?
There is no going back once a rhinoplasty has been performed. Since the results are permanent, those wishing to undergo treatment should be certain of their decision and contact a plastic surgeon whose competence and experience can be relied upon.
Is getting rhinoplasty worth it?
Rhinoplasty is the second most common plastic surgery procedure (the first being breast augmentation). Patients report higher levels of confidence and general health improvements after the recovery period of rhinoplasty.
Pretty often a correction on the nose will have positive effects on the general aspect of the patient’s face. This includes better harmony between the eyes, mouth, cheeks, and forehead, thus creating a more symmetric and aesthetically pleasing appearance.
Benefits of rhinoplasty
Improved breathing
By altering the shape and size of the nose, rhinoplasty can enhance the flow of air through the nasal cavities, helping those with constant nasal congestion or partially restricted nasal cavities.
Increased physical capacity
Nasal obstructions impede the body from making the most out of every breath it takes during exercise. After going through treatment, the patient’s stamina will be improved, allowing them to perform physically strenuous activities with greater ease.
Less sinus problems
Nasal congestion, headaches, and other health issues can be attributed to pressure build-up in cavities around the nose, forehead, and upper cheeks. One of the health benefits of a nose job is freeing up space by altering the nasal septum, which can reduce or completely alleviate sinus problems.
Better sleep
Those who suffer from sleep apnea can be disadvantaged by a diminished flow of air through the nostrils. As rhinoplasty opens up the nasal cavities it will improve breathing, thereby helping with snoring and other difficulties that can stop someone from getting quality sleep.
People with seasonal allergies, asthma, or those who experience constant trouble trying to breathe when having a cold may see the quality of their rest substantially increased after undergoing rhinoplasty.
Fix a broken nose
A broken nose is the main cause of breathing difficulties and issues with physical appearance for many people. Rhinoplasty can help improve the quality of life of someone with a broken nose by restoring full use of the nasal airwaves and facial symmetry.
Improve confidence and self-image
The health benefits of a nose job go beyond helping with physical ailments. Testimonials from patients outline a better attitude towards their self-esteem alongside other mental health benefits after undergoing rhinoplasty.
Are you considering rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty is one of the hardest facial plastic surgery procedures to perform. Very good knowledge of anatomy is required to better understand how to improve the functional aspects of the nose while creating an aesthetically pleasing appearance.
You can rely on the experience and expertise of Dr.Moufarrège when it comes to rhinoplasty and other facial plastic surgery procedures. By performing rhinoplasty through the nostrils without the need for an external, visible incision we diminish the possibility of risk to the patient’s bodily welfare and shorten the healing process.